Friday, April 9, 2010

Top Ten Reality Shows I Don't Watch

This was the first image that popper up when I googled "reality show." I guess that's the best approximation for reality TV as I can think of.

Hot Damn! Top Ten lists!

#10 - Jersey Shore/The Hill/whatever - They all blend together to me.
#9 - Survivor - Is this even still on?
#8 - Big Brother - Is this even still on?
#7 - The Amazing Race - Ok, I'll cop to watching an episode or two, not a bad show.
#6 - That modeling show with Heidi Klum and that gun fella - He annoys the crap outta me.
#5 - Anything with Tyra Banks - She's psychotic. Isn't she? She seems it.
#4 - Dancing With the Stars - Stars? Really?
#3 - American Idol - I gotta soft spot for Kelly Clarkson, but I can't forgive any show that made Clay Aiken "famous."
#2 - Anything with Jesse James in it - What a total douche canoe. What a complete charismatic black hole of suck. I will tap dance on the grave of his "career." If reality shows were actually real, then "Jesse James is a Dead Man" would be the greatest ever. I would totally pay money to see a movie called "The Assassination of Jesse James by the Glorious Hero Robert Ford." What a tool.

Oh, and he apparently cheated on Sandra Bullock? You heard about that? God, what a loser.

#1 - Road Rules/Real World Challenge - Is this even still on?

Four I don't mind -
#4 - Temptation Island Season 1 - No, it sucks, but I actually watched every single episode of the first season just to see if I could.
#3 - Food Network - Isn't this just one big channel of reality TV? I gotta say I watch it then.
#2 - Tough Enough - Loved it for the wrestling, hated it for the "Real World" crap.
#1 - The Joe Schmo Show - Greatest reality show ever. It was a satire on reality TV AND a reality show at the same time. Brilliant TV.

Reality show I wanna see return:
Who Wants To Marry a Multi-Millionaire - How skanky was that show? And all the controversy after made it even better.

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